Simple… Is Not Easy

I have a tendency to think that simple and easy are interchangeable terms.  My small still voice says “Not so much…”

To put us all on the same page, the definition of simple I’m referring to, according to Merriam-Webster, is: Having only one main clause and no subordinate clauses.  From the same source, the definition of easy is: Requiring or indicating little effort, thought, or reflection.

Another gun-related calamity yesterday, at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin, within just two weeks of the one at the cineplex in Aurora, Colorado.

We are all One.  It is impossible to do harm to someone else without harming myself.  Separation is an illusion. Fear is the delusion that drives us to make choices that appear to protect us…yet time and time again, we see the harm it does…to all of us.

We are all One: simple concept.

Remembering we are all One: not so easy.

  1. I saw this this morning, Margarita. It saddens me so much — that you speak of here — “it is impossible to do harm to someone else without harming myself.” Very nice and thank you.

  2. Dear M,
    I struggle with this concept.
    But I know it is truth.
    We ARE all one.

    love, l

    • Yes: simple concept…not easy to wrap one’s head around it! Much easier to wrap one’s heart around it; we just tend to believe the head more than the heart! xoxoM

  3. Simple words for such an important reminder, Margarita. I wish it was easier for people to remember it.

  4. It’s just so sad that so many people don’t *want* us all to be One.

    • Tragically, so many seem to be amnesiacs who’ve forgotten we ARE all One!

  5. True. There is profound sadness and lost logic in hate and fear. Depending on the belief structure of one’s point of view an argument can be made that we are from One and we are one. Hate and fear no matter the target are self hatred and hatred of the One.
    That’s the best I can explain my thoughts at the moment. Uhg, Mondays 8)

    • In overnight contemplation, I got the same message! (without the Uhg, Mondays) 😉

  1. August 6th, 2012

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