Posts Tagged ‘ Amit Goswami ’

Invitation To A Banquet…Of Ideas

I connect dots.

My husband says that I connect dots where there appear to be no dots to connect.  Like Katharine Hepburn’s character in Desk Set, “I associate many things with many things.”  The downside is that, all too often, all those connections seem to be nothing more than a tangled mess.  The upside is that if I keep at it long and persistently enough, some very interesting patterns begin to emerge.

Recently, Madame Weebles over at Fear No Weebles wrote about a series of experiences she’s had over the years here, here, and here.  You should check them out.  In any event, her stories started that “connect the dots” process going in my head.  Then Brigitte over at Brigitte’s Banter wrote her Monday Musings and Motivations… and more dots got thrown into the mix.

In his book The Infinite Way, Joel Goldsmith says: “Soul is the substance, nature, action, and law of all form and is never separate from the form.” In this statement, I understand “Soul” to mean the animating principle, source,  the universe, the realm of unlimited possibilities, consciousness, god. Choose the term that resonates most clearly with you. And I understand “form” to be the expression of the animating principle, usually in physical form.   From this statement, it is clear to me that we all emanate from the same source, and it doesn’t take much of a stretch for me to understand that we are all One.

Having arrived at a simple understanding of Oneness, it doesn’t take much more elasticity for me to see that the animating principle, as an infinite and eternal concept, would also express in ways not easily perceived by those of us living within the confines of physical form. In other words, an infinite and eternal concept is not limited to expressing  only in physical form. And it is also not limited to being understood through a single discipline. Goldsmith writes about it from the metaphysical standpoint; Dr. Amit Goswami writes about this from the standpoint of a theoretical quantum physicist.

I’ve got a lot of dots with a lot of connections going on here…I had originally planned to express my thoughts in a single post.  My small still voice, however, is persuading me to approach this like a multi-course banquet.

Consider this the amuse-bouche!