Posts Tagged ‘ Mitt Romney ’

Into The Woods?

I’ve been reading the reports and transcripts about the Republican convention, and I’ve been watching some of the coverage.  Although I don’t have the intestinal fortitude to listen to, or read, the interpretations put out by the Murdoch empire, I do make the effort to check in with outlets whose views don’t match mine.  Sweet husband says I’ve got a masochistic streak.  I say this is my attempt to form an informed opinion.

One of the most interesting findings of this exercise, for me, is just how hard it is to refrain from throwing something at the TV when I hear things I object to and to just listen, giving these people the courtesy of hearing them out without the voices in my head clamoring “you’re full of shit!” The reality is that we’re all full of shit. Literally.

Anyway, when I was sitting in Central Park the other day, waiting for the Shakespeare In The Park tickets, our neighbor on the next blanket over gave me her copy of the New York Times to help while away the hours. Since I usually read the New York Times on line and on the fly, it was really nice to indulge in reading the print edition at my leisure.  The front page story was Ann Romney’s attempt to humanize her husband for the American public.

“You can trust Mitt.” Mrs. Romney is quoted as saying. “You may not agree with Mitt’s positions on issues or his politics,” she continued. “But let me say this to every American who is thinking about who should be our next president:  No one will work harder.  No one will care more.”

I’m sure the crowd at the convention in Tampa went wild over these remarks.  These are the words of a loving spouse.  Of a woman who has faced many challenges in her life with a steadfast, loving husband at her side.  Based on her recommendations, I might consider marriage to Mitt myself.  He really sounds like a great guy!  The thing is, I’m not interviewing a potential husband.  I’m interviewing a candidate for the top job in this country.

While Mrs. Romney has placed her trust in Mr. Romney to be there through the rough times as well as the good, my concerns are not the same as Mrs. Romney’s.  Can I trust Mitt to protect my rights to privacy in my reproductive choices?  My daughter’s rights to those choices? So far, his record on these issues doesn’t speak positively to me.  If I can’t trust him on these choices, what can I trust him on? Should I trust him on his promises to get America working? Not according to his record.  If I were in India or China, sure, I’d trust Mitt on that point.  But in this country? Not so much. Money is what keeps the economy growing.  If our money is going to pay our bills with nothing left over for “extras,” our economy stagnates.  If we don’t have jobs, we can’t afford the “extras.” With Mitt, it’s about shareholder value.  I can barely afford my share of the bills…hard to become a shareholder who’s valued that way.

And if I don’t agree with Mitt’s decisions or his politics, what the hell do I care how hard or caringly he works?  He’s not going to be putting any effort into listening to my views or working toward the ends that are important to me.

Barack Obama also appears to be an outstanding husband and father and a very hard worker.  In my opinion, being the father of daughters makes me trust him more when it comes to protecting my daughter’s rights. His actions on those issues speak louder than Mitt’s words.  While I’ve been severely disappointed with his performance as President – I threatened to start a campaign to send Mrs. Obama condolence letters on the loss of her husband’s balls because that’s the only reason I could see for his repeatedly caving in to the demands of the Republican controlled House on issues such as universal health care and taking so damn long to support marriage equality – I can’t deny that he’s a deliberate, thoughtful, hard-working President.  His decisions and politics, while far from my own perfect view, are much more closely aligned with my vision of equality and fairness in this country.

So, with the big Republican shindig behind us, we have the Democrats’ carnie to look forward to next week.  I’m taking appropriate measures to anesthetize my gag reflex for those festivities.

I’m not telling you who to vote for.  The last time I looked, we are still free to choose in this country and I will stand and defend that right whether I agree with you or not.  I am asking you be mindful in your choice.  Both candidates are fine, educated men. Both are good husbands and fathers. To all appearances, both would make great friends!

Take a few moments to define your own views, needs, requirements for yourself, your family.  What kind of a community do you want to raise your children in? Grow old in? What kind of a planet do you want to live on? One fraught with strife or one striving toward harmony? Be honest with yourself: there are no wrong answers; there’s no grade.  Once you’re clear about your own standards, compare each candidate’s position against your personal checklist.  Not the husband and father stuff; the professional performance stuff.  We’re not marrying these guys.  We’re hiring them to do a job.  A big job. Don’t stop at what they say: scrutinize what they’ve done. My experience has been that when the words and the actions don’t match, believe the actions because that’s where the truth is found.

My hope is that on November 6, 2012, we will have a fearless and mindful electorate heading to the polls to cast their votes.  That’s my hope…I just don’t believe that’s what we’ll get.